Our little woodland camp is based in Foredown Woods, Portslade, which is an enclosed area of woodland adjacent to the allotments. The site is around 4 acres of secondary woodland nestled in the South Downs and brimming with butterflies, birds and bugs! The allotment site is fenced and closed to the public, apart from allotment holders.
We spend all day playing and learning in our amazing outdoor environment, where children are given the freedom to explore and investigate the natural world around them in safety. Our camp is enclosed within the allotment site by further fencing and high ratios are maintained at all times.
Parents drop off children at our woodland camp. Sign-in, self-register and play.
Welcome song, morning snack and check-in.
Free play in Squirrel play area/Longhouse Shelter/Tinkergarden.
Morning circle time. Forest school songs, games, stories and word play.
Toilet and wash hands.
Lunch followed by stories and play.
Afternoon session - Music, Gardening Club, Explorer walks, yoga, pond-dipping, small group games or rest and quiet time in the Longhouse.
Tidy up time.
Gather together, afternoon snack and reflection time.
Goodbye time. Parents come to the camp gate for collection.